Liposuction of the Waist
Tumescent liposuction of the waist is one of the most satisfying liposuction procedures because it has several beneficial effects on body contour. The waist, also known as the 'love handles,' first of all often causes bulges seen while wearing clothing, which some patients call a 'muffin top' appearance. This can often be eliminated with tumescent liposuction, which causes skin retraction or tightening because it is capable of removing fat that is near to the skin surface. This fat is called superficial fat, and it is superficial liposuction that causes the skin of a given area to shrink following tumescent liposuction.
Tumescent liposuction of the waist also reduces the waist size, which can make clothing fit better or lead to a reduced clothing size depending on how much fat is in the area and how disproportionate the area is to the rest of the patient's body. By slimming the waist, the female body takes on a more 'hour glass' appearance, while the male body takes on a more 'V' shape. If the area has caused bulges or 'rolls' in the body contour, this also many times is eliminated or greatly improved.
Another beautiful effect of waist liposuction on body contour is the improvement in buttocks contour. While waist liposuction does not generally involve any liposuction of the buttocks itself, the fat of the waist lies directly above the fat of the buttocks, and tends to give the buttocks a more square appearance. By removing this fat, the buttocks appears rounder and subtly fuller.
It is important to realize that liposuction is not a cure nor an appropriate treatment for obesity. Although most patients have fat in the waist area and can have a reduction in waist size, patients with abdominal obesity may experience a relative augmentation of the abdomen after aggresive waist liposuction. This is because some patients have visceral fat, which is fat around the internal organs that cannot be treated by any cosmetic procedure. A slim waist with a large abdomen is generally not considered to be an improvement in body contour. Therefore, not all patients are good candidates for waist liposuction. A consultation in person is the only way to determine whether waist liposuction would produce a beneficial change to body contour. Many patients require liposuction of the abdomen and waist for a natural, aesthetically pleasing result.
An ideal candidate for liposuction has been at a normal, stable body weight for at least 2 years and is physically fit and healthy. Other people, including some who are obese, can be reasonable candidates for the procedure as long as they are not likely to increase their body weight further and as long as their expectations are in line with what liposuction can be reasonably expected to achieve.