Liposuction of the Arms
Liposuction of the arms, though technically difficult, is associated with some of the highest levels of patient satisfaction. Tumescent liposuction, through the use of fine instruments called microcannulas, can effectively remove the troublesome fat that accumulates under the upper arm while leaving a natural, aesthetically pleasing contour. Traditional liposuction and ultrasonic liposuction (Vaser) are often incapable of producing satisfactory results because they leave evidence that liposuction was performed. The arms, much like the front thighs and buttocks, are areas that should only be treated by tumescent liposuction.
Many patients find themselves in the gym, sometimes working with personal trainers, doing arm exercises to try to reduce arm fat, making the arms more lean. Unfortunately, there is no exercise that can remove localized fat. For this reason, liposuction and exercise have completely different effects on the body. Exercise can reduce a person's body fat percentage, reducing the amount of fat the person carries throughout the body. Liposuction focuses on specific problem fatty areas without affecting the rest of the body. Many patients who are lean, healthy, and of normal body weight still find themselves unsatisfied with the amount of fat they have on their arms. With tumescent liposuction, this fat can be reduced significantly, yielding slimmer arms without causing noticeably loose skin.
Although liposuction is not a cure nor an appropriate treatment for obesity, many obese people are unable to buy clothes due to arm size. In most cases, this problem can be solved with tumescent liposuction of the arms. A consultation is necessary to determine whether liposuction of this region would yield satisfactory results and whether the upper back should be treated simultaneously for optimal results. A good candidate for tumescent liposuction of the arms has been at a stable body weight for at least 2 years and is unlikely to increase in body weight in the future.