Fat Transfer to the Hands - Hand Rejuvenation
With age, the hands tend to lose volume, which increases the appearance of veins and gives the skin a looser appearance. Fillers are occasionally used to restore volume to the hands and rejuvenate them. However, fillers are not permanent and thus require repeated applications, which are costly. Harvested fat is a natural and relatively permanent solution to this problem.
Hand rejuvenation by transfer of liposuctioned fat proceeds in three stages. First, fat is harvested from donor areas, which may include any of the following: abdomen, waist, outer thighs, and inner thighs. Next, the fat is centrifuged to isolate the fat and concentrate the stem cells that are found in fatty tissue. Finally, the fat is injected into the plane of the hand muscles using special injection cannulas. Liposuction of the donor areas is performed if desired after the fat transfer is complete.
Fat that is used for transplantation must be harvested in a careful manner using sterile technique and gentle cannulas. Because of the gentle treatment of the fat, not all of the fat in the donor area is removed during the hasrvesting process. Complete liposuction of the donor area typically requires higher suction levels and a more aggressive style of cannula. It is also important to avoid any pre-treatment of the area with ultrasound or laser energy. Thus, it is contraindicated to use fat that has been removed with SmartLipo, Vaser, AquaLipo, or any other technologies that harm fat cells.